cyber security


Cyber Security technology is changing at a dizzying pace. We help you focus on what really matters like how to automate cyber security using AI tools, developing cyber resiliency so you can get back to normal within minutes if you’re hit.


Cyber Resiliency

Building a fence around your infrastructure be it in the cloud or on-premise is a key element in securing your organization. What often gets overlooked or under prioritized is cyber resiliency. That is… how quickly can you get back up and running TO NORMAL if you are breached?

 The role of backup-restore isn’t what you think

These days, the bad guys spend the bulk of their time figuring out how to get to your backup long before they impact production. Once they have infected your backup, even if it’s air-gapped, or worse yet encrypted it they will move to your production data. The best practice is to use AI to identify the infection within seconds, and roll back to the last known good immutable snapshot. In most cases with an optimized cyber resilient storage and cyber security model this is accomplished within 60 seconds.

